Friday, April 20, 2007


Struggling now to finish the website for NM3217. It should have been easy for me, but I realise it been rather long since I designed a website. Getting so rusty. With all the new web 2.0 and AJAX stuff coming up, I got an itch to try them out. But then again, I wonder do I have the time, and most importantly the heart to learn. And right now I am stuck at designing the navigation bar for the website, the ones I did look so ugly. Still have no idea how the site is going to look like. Plus I got to do it in tables. Goodness I dont think I have ever designed a website using tables. I hate tables. >_<

Today or rather yesterday was my first paper. The first time having an exam in a lab, using a computer to type, in Chinese some more. I think my typing is slow, especially with the keyboard which cant seem to register the 'n's I type. Grr. Dont think I will do well in this paper, bcoz I haven't written much. The 2 hours are just not enough. Well hopefully the weekly assignments that I think I did quite well in will help. Anw only need a C and above since its NTU module. Reminds me that all my As from Korea University all become Ss and cannot help to pull my CAP up. So wasted. But of coz I still do want to score well on the NTU module lar. Oh and I met Kaili when going home today. She was talking to a friend about the U.S gun incident, describing some of the details, which got me somehow quite disturbed. Actually I was just eavesdropping on their conversation after some brief awkward chat with her. =X.

After 5pm today, I will have only have one more project and one more exam left. But right now I still need to write the goodness know what printer specification, do the stupid dummy and the art package. I hope the print job for my brochure turns up ok. Gotta pick it up later.

The laptop is so w-o-l-s. Especially when I was doing the brochure at 300 dpi. Think there is just too many programs in the lappie. I have thus far installed Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator, Microsoft Office 2007, Clubbox, FlashGet this semester. On top of ImageReady, Photoshop, Flash, Maplestory which was already installed. Would have installed Premiere too if lappie had allowed it to run.

Need to get back to finish the damn website. Last minute work again. Like what's new.

{In the end we didnt watch the movie. In the end we had a game of Daytona. In the end we ended up at the bus terminal. And then suddenly because the bus that came wasnt 69, we ended up at Macs eating ice cream. In the end I am glad that you came back to us. Thank you for telling your story, though I didn't help. You will be loved by us. Thank you for coming back.}

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