Sunday, June 17, 2007

JTA School

The test riders. Jod, Mo, Me, Alex, Boy. Drenched from JTA and 2 bottle of water poured over us.

Diane and me.

JTA school.

So the Thai people have gone back and 2 Philippines too. JTA is not the same. I missed the times when we learn to speak Thai or Philippines language in the sign in room, the times we went over to Alex room for the delicious dinner he cooked and talk crap or talk photos till the wee hours in the morning, I miss them teaching us and telling us insiders tip, I miss the jokes and fun. I missed Boy, Jod, Mo, Alex, Diane and Aries.

On another note, Jia and Lok Man came! Yay and they lived 2 floors up from me. Yay I am no longer the only one stuck at P, the faraway island. Lol. And Lok Man will be joining JTA school too! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Photos Photos & Photos.

@ Universal Island of Adventure. US$129 but free for us!


Betty Boop!

Spidey mania! The boxer is damn cool but freaking exp!

3D Specs for Spiderman Ride. We rode it twice.

The 4 'Presidents'. I cnt remember what is the real name of that.

Imitating the 4 presidents. Lolz.

Popeye family + bandit! Super cute!

Popeye the heart breaker.

Olive the flirt. (I had to check Wiki for her name. Lol. )

This reminds me of nuSTUDIOS. Just had to snap it down.

And guess what.... Tadah.. I actually cook & its edible! =P

1st meal I cooked! I spent like 2 hours to cook this. ^^

Fried rice! Like an hour & half for this.

Me & Shamu~

Me Vin & Jason

Me & Vin, my roommate, the very good cook :)

The Thai students who are leaving today. Alex (the handsome one) cooks real well. I will miss them. Lots. The Phillippines students are also leaving. Will post when I have picture with them..

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Journey To Orlando. A Pictorial.

First day of school work.

The most frequently visited place.

The workplace (me & BH) .

JTA School Students.

Seaworld! Shamu!

Dolphins! I like how it looks as though it is smiling. Cute!


The 1st homecooked meal.


The cooking boys.

The dishwashers.

Indian Poker! Actualli we didnt really play, more of photowhoring lol.

I love the schoolbus!

Grafitti on the wall. Damn nice!

Levi Factory outlets. Cheap cheap! My 3 Vietnamese roomates.

Downtown Orlando. A deserted place.

This is where I am now.